We are taking a completely new kind of reporting approach with biAnalytics. You simply provide the access data for your data sources in the biAnalytics Web tool and we establish the connection to the data provider. Your data is therefore not duplicated thanks to our open bi technology. This stays securely where it belongs – in your data source.

biAnalytics is therefore the central access point to all your data. Use a unique tool to tackle all your reporting requirements according to your wishes. And because you have combined all your data at one location, you work more efficiently and productively.
Adding the data source
biAnalytics offers a range of standard connectors that you can directly use after registering. You will find a list of all currently available data sources under /cloud/data sources. We will be happy to connect more data sources for you. In order to establish a connection from biAnalytics to your data source, you usually only have to provide your login information.
Selecting essential KPIs
biAnalytics gives you access to all data in the “data” area, which is located in the source. Results are already presorted in some data sources. For example, when you link a Google Adwords account, your reports are already arranged for campaigns, accounts and much more. We also offer ready-made views for selected data sources, which show with the most important key performance indicators.
You can now create views yourself, i.e. new views of your data – even data views that are not possible with your provider. Navigate your data ad hoc, create hierarchies for better structuring, change the display format for better understanding and even combine data from several data sources with one another, not only to understand the content, but also the connection between the data!
Personal dashboards with all your data
In the CMS area, you can ultimately combine any number of reports in different dashboards. The selection of data sources and the type of data visualisation is entirely left up to you. Any amount of data can be placed in a dashboard with our dashboard designer. Style your dashboard according to your requirements and therefore create an overview of all your figures, which you can access with your account at any time via an individual dashboard link.
You can test the full range of biAnalytics Web functions for 30 days, free of charge. Register now and get 1 gigabyte of free memory in our high-performance in-memory database. Do you have complex reporting requirements? We will be happy to provide you with support to optimally implement your requirements. We are looking forward to exciting projects!
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