Get an overview of the biAnalytics Office’s most important features. You can register for free at any time to test the full range of functions.jederzeit kostenlos registrieren.
Unless otherwise defined, biAnalytics accesses your data source in real time. As a result, all of your key performance indicators and dimensions of these data sources are available in biAnalytics. If you want to limit this view, or simply want to save another view of your data, you can conveniently create a view.
Determine your own hierarchies for your dimensions. For example, if you have data from different cities, you can simply add regions as a new hierarchical level and allocate the cities to the corresponding regions. As soon as a hierarchy has been created, it can be used in all areas and dashboards.
In-Memory storage
Each organisation in biAnalytics receives 1 gigabyte of free memory in our high-performance in-memory database. This storage can be used for your document library, ETL-transported data or uploaded reports.
Overview of other features
ETL - video tutorials - calculated KPIs - OLAP data transformation - aggregation of KPIs - multiple outlines - arranging tables - native MS Office visualisations